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​NC State LPH Point System
A member’s goal is to reach 10 points a semester or 20 points a year. A member can either earn 10 points per semester or any other combination of points per semester to equal 20 points at the end of the year. (If a member is graduating the semester he joins, he or she must earn 10 points that semester.)
Members who have earned 20 points per year since becoming a member, will earn a graduation cord for membership and participation.
Attendance at meetings will equal 2 points per meeting. (There will be three meetings this semester, so a member could potentially earn up to 6 points for attending every meeting.)
Attendance at events will equal 2 points per event.
Planning an event will equal 4 points. (A member has to plan an event him or herself.)
Planning an event with one other member will equal 2 points per member.
A member will receive 2 points for attending a LPH event.
If a member brings a guest, the member will earn 1 extra point. If a member takes a photo and emails/tweets/FB's at tags LPH, that member will also get 1 point.
Setting up and cleaning up an event will equal 1 point. Only 2 members per event will be able to participate in set up and clean up. (Members must help with both setup and cleanup.)
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